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Experiencing God Ministries
  Virginia Smith Ward, Teacher/Researcher
Virginia Smith Ward, Teacher/Researcher

Thank you for visiting our website, always remember to have your pen, paper, and your Bible preferably the King James Version. Before we embark on proving that the Word of God interprets itself and does not need our opinions, I would like to make a few things clear. These lessons and publications are based totally on the Bible and are written solely for those who believe in the Bible. We do not try to persuade people to think the way we do. We show the scriptures to people and let them be persuaded through their own research. If the scriptures cannot convince them, we certainly can not.  Thank you for visiting us.

Virginia Smith Ward, Teacher/Researcher/Co-founder

A woman with purpose and bold enough to be different.

Click here to listen to
Virginia Ward, Gospel Nostalgia

The Uncut Word of God
Experiencing God Ministries
7134 Prospect Ave.| Kansas City, MO 64124 | PH: (913) 298-1277